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Privacy Policy

1. General

This Privacy Policy applies to our website dedicated to ‘Driven by draught’ for consumers and customers in worldwide, available at (the "Website") where we HEINEKEN International B.V. (Tweede Weteringplantsoen 21, 1017 ZD Amsterdam) (“"we", "us" or "our"”) collect certain personal data. HEINEKEN International B.V. is part of the HEINEKEN Group (HEINEKEN N.V.). HEINEKEN International B.V (‘we’ or ‘us’) is the controller of the Personal Data collected and processed.
Please read this Privacy Policy carefully as it contains important information to help you understand our practices regarding any personal information that you give to us or that we collect otherwise in the context of the Website (‘Personal Data’).
We respect your privacy, and we are committed to keeping your Personal Data secure and managing it in accordance with our legal responsibilities under applicable data protection laws.

2. What Personal Data We Collect and How We Use your Personal Data

You can use the majority of our Website without being required to provide any Personal Data to us. For certain services and purposes of the Website, you need to provide Personal Data to us. For example for us to be able to process your orders or to send newsletters or other information to you. In addition to the information you are required to provide to us, we collect certain information when you visit our Website. Some information requested on the Website is mandatory. If you do not provide the requested information, we will not be able to deliver the service or product to you. We have specified the Personal Data we collect, the purposes for which we use the Personal Data and how long we will generally retain your Personal Data: We will remove your contact details once you have opted-out of receiving commercial messages, unless this is also used and retained for other purposes listed in this Privacy Policy.

1) Sending commercial messages:  You can subscribe to receive commercial messages (e.g. newsletter), in that case we will use the contact details (your email address and your company name) you have provided to send you our commercial messages. If you no longer wish to receive any commercial messages from us, you can unsubscribe at any time by using the unsubscribe function in each e-mail message or you can contact . When we are legally required, we ask for prior consent to send you commercial messages. In the case of an existing business relationship, we use of your Personal Data as it is in our legitimate interests to send our existing customers information about our products.

2)  Information about your visit to and use of our Website; we collect certain information when you visit our Website, such as your which web pages you visit, clicks and views, the type of device you use, the operating system you use, and type of internet browser. The information about your use of our Website and services enables us to build segments, which are groups of website visitors or customers with a number of common characteristics such as age group, gender or region. We will likely add you to one of our segments. Segments are used by us to customize the Website and to e.g. change the order of search results or where we place certain offers so you are more likely to see these. We may also use segments to show online advertisements or to send e-mailings that we think are relevant for you.

We use this Personal Data as it is necessary in our legitimate interests to do so to be able to promote our products and services to our customers and website visitors, to enable us to attract more customers, to improve the sale of our products and services and to finance our Website (via online advertisements). Read more about our Cookie Policy to learn about how long personal data collected via cookies is retained.

3) Maintenance and optimisation of our Website; Your Personal Data will also be used for maintenance and analysis of our Website to solve performance issues, to improve the availability and to secure the website against fraud (e.g. in case of repeated attempts to log-in or to make a purchase or if the purchase is made where there is non-compliance with our terms and conditions, e.g. by individuals under 18). The analysis also enables us to check whether the online ordering process works efficiently so we can improve, where possible.

Our use of your Personal Data for these purposes is necessary in our legitimate interests and will be retained. Read more about how long personal data collected via cookies is retained in our Cookie Policy

4) Sharing of Personal Data with other HEINEKEN group affiliates and subsidiaries: As member of a global business, we share Personal Data and Cookie data with HEINEKEN group affiliates and subsidiaries (Heineken N.V., Heineken Nederland B.V.) for reasons as aggregated analytical and operational purposes and for personalized online marketing purposes such as direct marketing, creating of consumer audiences or look-a-like audiences, enriching of existing customer profiles and/or sending emails. This includes information about your visit to our Website as described in paragraph.

We will only share such Personal Data when we are allowed to do so by law. This means that we will ask for prior consent, if this should be the lawful basis (for example when we share ‘direct marketing’ data). When we are allowed to rely on our legitimate interest, we will do so. This is the case when we create aggregated marketing insights or segments.

We will also receive Personal Data from HEINEKEN group affiliates and subsidiaries (Heineken N.V., Heineken Nederland B.V.) for the above mentioned purposes. 

3. How We Share Your Personal Data

As member of a global business, we share Personal Data and information we have acquired via your (online) interactions with us with HEINEKEN group affiliates and subsidiaries (Heineken N.V., Heineken Nederland B.V.) for reasons as aggregated analytical and operational purposes and for marketing purposes, such as direct marketing, creating of consumer audiences or look-a-like audiences, enriching of existing customer profiles. We will only share such Personal Data when we are allowed to do so by law. This means that we will ask for prior consent, if this should be the lawful basis (for example when we share cookie or marketing opt-in data). When we are allowed to rely on our legitimate interest, we will do so. This is the case when we create aggregated marketing insights or segments.

We also receive cookie data and Personal Data from HEINEKEN group affiliates and subsidiaries (Heineken N.V., Heineken Nederland B.V.) for reasons as aggregated analytical and operational purposes and for marketing purposes, such as direct marketing, creating of consumer audiences or look-a-like audiences, enriching of existing customer profiles. We will only receive such Personal Data when we are allowed to do so by law. This means that we will have asked for prior consent, if this should be the lawful basis (for example when we receive cookie data or direct marketing data). When we are allowed to rely on our legitimate interest, we will do so. This is the case when we create aggregated marketing insights or segments. We need to share Personal Data with third parties to help us provide services and products to you and to run our Website. These third parties are:

We may need to share Personal Data with third parties to help us provide services and products to you and to run our Website. These third parties are:
- HEINEKEN group companies for the purpose of storing Personal Data processed via the Website, due to shared IT systems
- Service providers where this is needed to provide us with a service and to provide data analytics services
- Data management platform provider, Relay42, who provides marketing strategy services
- Service providers that help us organize campaigns and promotions
- First and Third party advertising companies
- Media agencies for marketing purposes and research purposes
- Third party providers of Social Media Platforms (including Facebook, Google and Instagram)
- Service providers such as solicitors and accountants
- Courts, parties to litigation and their professional advisers where we reasonably deem it necessary in connection with the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; and
- A purchaser or parties interested in purchasing any part of our business
- In case HEINEKEN sells all or some of the assets or shares of a HEINEKEN group company to which Personal Data was transferred to a third party, your Personal Data may be provided to this third party;
- In addition, we may use, disclose or transfer your information to a HEINEKEN group company in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings).

These parties may be located in the European Union or other countries in the European Economic Area or elsewhere in the world. When Personal Data is stored by us outside the EEA we will ensure an adequate level of protection of the transferred Data. We require service providers to use appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality and security of the Personal Data.

4. Security of Personal Data

We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your Personal Data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your Personal Data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

Unfortunately, no transmission of information over the internet can be completely secure, and you should also note that the security of information depends in part on the security of the computer you use to communicate with us and the security you use to protect account information and passwords, so please take care to protect this information.

Our Website may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third party websites, plug-ins or applications and are not responsible for their privacy statements. We encourage you to read the privacy notice of every website you visit and third party service/application that you use. 

5. Retention of Your Personal Data

We will retain your Personal Data for as long as legally required or for as long as necessary to provide you with any requested services or for any of the other purposes listed in this Privacy Policy. The specific retention term are listed in this Privacy Policy for each of the relevant purposes. We will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify Personal Data we hold if it is no longer needed for the purposes set out above or after the expiration of the defined retention term. 

6. Cookies

A major part of the information referred to in this Privacy Policy is collected via our use of cookies and similar techniques. Cookies are small text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded and may be stored on your user device, e.g. your computer, smartphone or tablet. Techniques we use that may be similar to cookies are tracking pixels. These cookies and similar techniques are sometimes necessary to remember your account settings, language and country, but also enable us to measure and analyse your behaviour on our Website and for showing you personalised advertisements on our Website or on third party websites. Where required, you will be asked for consent to our use of cookies. To view more information on what cookies we use and how we use them please review our separate Cookie Policy.  

7. Social Media

You may choose to share information on our Website via social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This means that the information you share, with name and preferences, shall be visible to visitors of your personal pages. We advise you to carefully read the privacy policies of the social media parties as these are applicable to the processing of your Personal Data by these parties.

8. Children's Privacy

The Website is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from individuals under the age of 18. 

9. Your choices and rights

If your personal data is or has been subject to the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or to the extent applicable under your local law, you have the right to request access to and deletion of your personal data, to object, to request restricted processing, to receive an overview of the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You also have the right to file a complaint with your local data protection authority. All your rights are subject to applicable data protection laws and other relevant laws and regulations, to the HEINEKEN Privacy Procedures and other HEINEKEN guidelines. However, you always have the right to object to our use of your Personal Data for direct marketing communications, and when you do so, we will accommodate your request. Where you have provided consent to our use of your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw your consent without this effecting the lawfulness of our use of this Data before your withdrawal.

Please note that if you make use of (some of) your choices and rights, you may not be able to use, in whole or in part, of our Website services anymore  

10. Updates

We will keep this Privacy Policy under review and make updates from time to time. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on our Website page and to the extent reasonably possible, will be communicated to you.

11. Contact

If you wish to exercise any of your rights listed above, you can contact us at Please note that we may request proof of identity. If you have any other question, objection to our use of your Personal Data or a complaint about this Privacy Policy or about our handling of your Personal Data, you can e-mail

The most recent version of this privacy notice is dated: 30/04/2020